Monday, July 9, 2007

DigiScrapDepot - Awesome Freebies

I found wonderful Freebie site! Vicky's DigiScrapDepot is a wonderful site for viewing, sharing and finding designer freebies and discovering your digi style. You can see designs from a variety of designers, not just one Creative team at a time. You can see them all in one place. It's a great way to learn more about current trends both from a designer's and a scrapper's point of view. I think this site is awesome and you will find my freebies listed there! Be sure to visit Vicky's blog too! If you check her June archive you will read her explanation of why she started this site. I think it is an awesome idea!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the beautiful writeup on your blog. I know that your loyal visitors will stop by and RATE your freebies from Good... to ..... Excellent =) It is a great way to show the designer you appreciate all of the hard work they put into making a freebie for you.

